“Man in the mirror” -Siedah Garrett

Been in self-destruct mode for at least the past 24 hours.

All I want is to be held.

Speaking my truth is where freedom lies.

When I do so with people I trust, they tell me what I don’t want to hear.

And that’s okay.

I feel safe.

I haven’t felt safe for as long as I can remember.

My earliest memories are of rage and hiding within the confines of my childhood home.

It hit me.

My past experiences do not encompass my identity.

The ideas within my mind are old, and are the toughest chain to break.

This afternoon I sat by a pool amongst over thirty strangers, hand-in-hand with my two closest homegirls, crying.

Because God even dishes out meltdowns at a potluck.

I was asked to let go of my anger, and I wept.

Tears streaming, without a fuck for anyone’s judgement.

I lost something..

By taking off the backpack.

When I grow up

When my girlfriend locks herself out of the house, I won’t be mad.

I’ll love her.

Because I love her.

I’ll kiss her, and our boy.

I’ll be filled with gratitude that I got to see them again that morning.

table for one

where we’ve gone

I am.

where we’ve been

I go.

familiar setting

unforgettable feelings

it might kill me.

this heavy heart sits in solitude

breaking as do the chopsticks

steadily feeding a bottomless hole

when will I be whole?

here I sit.

awaiting my number

come to me

I’m hungry for you.

somewhere else

my mind takes me

when she smiles at me

imagination sweeps me

up in

a desired surprise

come to me.

twinkling stars

I wish upon those eyes

she’s confident.

on another continent

the state of well-being

bordering boundaries

I like it

manifest this

lip service



you get it.


unrequited love


come true

She loves me not.

56 days

Finally she had a feeling

To reach out

By text

She’s probably high

Saw a picture of her skinny again


Had to


Arson on the mind

Hate in my heart..

I needed to see you with your drug dealer ex-wife

To remember you’re a lie

What I said, I meant

The greatest pain you’ve ever felt.

I mirror back to you

Sorrow to regretful depths

If only I could take back that kiss..



You’re my best friend

My person

What a fucking joke.




Another mistake

Blow me.


“Only when I walk away” -JT


calming energy

extreme clarity

I feel you

soft & slow

I need you


and I miss you

divine love

thank you

holy spirit

blesses you

our time

growing stronger


please stay longer

